Early Career Researchers Network in Higher Education Studies
Agential Theory of Higher Education as Student Self-formation: Empirical and Conceptual Approach
Higher education as student self-formation is an emerging approach to re-determine what is a university for. Despite its effectiveness in foregrounding student agency in higher education research, the comprehensive nature of the self-formation concept imposes challenges for developing its embryonic research programme further. This presentation aims to introduce a possible approach to researching higher education as self-formation, drawing on my doctoral study. The study incorporates both conceptual and empirical approaches into the investigation of two fundamental questions: what is self-formation? How do students engage in self-formation? Focusing on the academic aspect of self-formation, I conceptually elaborate the process of self-formation by working with psychological and sociological theories. Then how students creatively transform themselves in higher education will be explained by using empirical data from local and international South Korean students.
Speakers: Soyoung LEE University of Oxford
Chair and Discussant: Dr Andrew Pau HOANG The University of Hong Kong
Date: October 29, 2021 (Friday)
Time: 16:00-17:00 (HK Time) By Zoom
Registration: Click here