Newsletter – 11 January 2022

Upcoming Conference Mass Higher Education After Pandemic in East Asia: Policy, Diversity, and Social & Human Contribution April 27 - 29, 2022 Online conference (zoom) Keynote Speakers: Professor Gerard POSTIGLIONE University of Hong Kong Professor Futao HUANG Hiroshima University Professor Anthony WELCH University of Sydney All scholars, researchers, and practitioners from around the world are welcome to share their expertise and knowledge in the topic of higher education. Call for papers deadline: Jan 31, 2022 Decision letter: Feb 14, 2022 Early registration: Feb 14, 2022 – Mar 14, 2022 Regular registration: Mar 15, 2022 – April 20, 2022 Read More Upcoming Webinars Ideas, Debates, and More: Meeting of European and Asian Higher Education Researchers Series The Geopolitics of Transnational Higher Education Partnerships: 'Equal' Partnerships in Chinese HE Speaker: Dr Miguel Antonio LIM The University of Manchester, UK Chair: Dr Jisun JUNG The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong January 21, 2022 (Friday) Time: 16:00 - 17:00 (Hong Kong time) by zoom All are welcome to attend. Please register now. Read More Citizenship and Higher Education: Rethinking access in the Longue Durée Speaker: Professor Gaële GOASTELLEC The University of Lausanne, Switzerland Chair: Dr Horta HUGO The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong February...
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