Higher Education in Asia: Moving Ahead

Opportunities and Obstacles Facing Women Scholars in Asian Higher Education

Date: June 15, 2021 (Tuesday)

Time: 12:00-13:15 (Hong Kong time)

Chair: Dr Priya Goel La LONDE (The University of Hong Kong)

Speaker: Dr Marian MAHAT (The University of Melbourne)

Women Thriving in Academia”

In this presentation, Dr Mahat provides academic narratives that link challenges and opportunities in higher education, leadership and management, and gender studies, that can help empower the modern female academic to thrive in academia. It concludes with some strategies to transform some of the gritty realities of academic life into success.

Marian Mahat is a Senior Research Fellow in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne. Her research focuses on learning environments, with an emphasis on co-designing curriculum and pedagogy, teacher-led inquiry and professional development of teachers across multiple educational contexts. She is series editor of Surviving and Thriving in Academia, and book editor of Achieving Academic Promotion and Women Thriving in Academia published by Emerald.

Speaker: Dr Chin Ee LOH (Nanyang Technological University)

Making Work Count: The Journey Towards Meaning in Academia”

In this presentation, Dr Chin Ee Loh will share about her journey as a female academic and how she evaluates the scholarly, practical, and personal impact of her work. She shares about key points in her academic career and insights learnt about career progression and work-life balance.

Loh Chin Ee is Associate Professor and Deputy Head (Research) in the English Language and Literature Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her primary research interest is in literacy and equity, with a current focus on reading and school libraries as well as place-based education and literature.

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