Time: 16:00-17:30, (HKT)
Date: 15 Dec, 2023
Venue: HKU, RM301 (Runme Shaw Building)
Mode: hybrid (HKU/by Zoom)
Speaker: Dr. Viviana Meschitti (University of Bergamo)
Chair: Dr. Hugo Horta (HKU)
Video Recording Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDz-Fc5m5g4
Abstract: Despite more than two decades of gender equality initiatives in higher education, vertical and horizontal segregation are still are reality. Some progress is there, but this seems to be very slow. Why is progress so slow even in presence of targeted gender equality measures? Does this imply that such measures are not enough? Does this mean that these measures are not well designed as they are meant to be? Or does this mean that we are in front of deeply ingrained inequality mechanisms, difficult to challenge? The seminar aims to generate a discussion around these questions, by relying on recent literature. After a short overview of the main approaches to gender equality in higher education in Europe, we will discuss what seem to be the grey areas and present issues when working on equality interventions.
Dr. Viviana Meschitti is an Associate Professor in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at the University of Bergamo. Previously she was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Huddersfield, UK (2017-2021); and a Research Assistant at Birkbeck, Univaersity of London (2013-2017). She achieved her PhD at the University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland.
Her research interests are related to: organisational and team learning; communities of practice; leadership and group dynamics; gender equality and career progression; implementation of gender equality plans. She privileges qualitative research methods, in particular ethnographic approaches and discourse analysis.