Time: 16:00-17:30, (HKT)
Date: 5 Dec, 2023
Venue: HKU, RM204 (Runme Shaw Building)
Mode: hybrid: HKU /by Zoom
Speaker: Dr. Giulio Marini (University of Catania)
Chair: Dr. Hugo Horta (HKU)
Video Recording Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0GhEpKSV48
Abstract: Brexit opened the question whether the UK will continue to attract internationals. Here the focus is on academic staff – a critical component of “War for Talents” discourse and current geopolitics in the field. Despite a clear trend of loss of EU internationals, at least from western EU countries, UK more than compensates for this fall with extra-EU internationals, especially from Asia. However, the most notable effect is about average quality of such talents (in this study: salaries at parity of age). Brexit is lessening the capacity to attract/retain the best academics, especially from those countries that perform better (i.e., GDP per capita, R&D investment, but also national ranking in tolerance and creative class scores). Overall, Brexit is favoring UK’s competitors at its own detriment, cutting through a long-term pattern of success.
Dr. Giulio Marini is currently Senior Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the University of Catania, Italy, and Associate Editor of Studies in Higher Education. Previously, he has worked at CGHE at UCL, Cipes (Portugal), Scuola Normale Superiore, and the National Research Council (Italy) after having got his PhD at Sapienza University of Rome.