CHERA Newsletter (April 2021)
Upcoming Webinars
Education in China’s Greater Bay Area
University Graduate Employability and Entrepreneurship in China’s Greater Bay Area
The changing value of higher education as a currency of opportunity |
Dr Ewan WRIGHT The Education University of Hong Kong |
Dr Haitao WEI Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China |
Graduate entrepreneurship in China’s Greater Bay Area: cases in Hong Kong and Shenzhen |
Dr Dian LIU University of Stavanger, Norway |
Chair: Dr Hugo HORTA The University of Hong Kong |
Prof Gerard POSTIGLIONE The University of Hong Kong |
Dr Po YANG Peking University |
16:00-17:30 (HK Time) by zoom |
All are welcome to attend. Please register now. |
Engaging Universities with the Refugee Community through Incubation Programs: Exploring Challenges and Sharing Suggestions
Speaker: Ms Aysuhan Tuba SARAL The Education University of Hong Kong |
Chair & discussant: Dr Kevin KESTER Seoul National University |
15:00-16:00 (HK Time) by zoom |
All are welcome to attend. Please register now. |
Higher Education in Asia: Moving Ahead
Comparing Academic Productivity between International and Japanese Faculty: Findings from National Surveys of International and Japanese Faculty
Speaker: Prof Futao HUANG Hiroshima University, Japan |
15:00 – 16:00 (HK Time) by Zoom |
All are welcome to attend. Please register now. |
Previous Webinars
Early Career Researchers Network in Asian Higher Education Studies
Unveiling the Research Agenda-setting of Academics from the Applied Fields |
Ms Yingxin LIU, Margaret The University of Hong Kong |
The Integration of International Faculty at Japanese Universities: A Qualitative Approach |
Ms Lilan CHEN Hiroshima University, Japan |
February 26, 2021 (Friday) |
Education in China’s Greater Bay Area
How Can the Universities and Academic Profession Contribute? |
Dr Hayes TANG
The Education University of Hong Kong |
Ms Kejin ZHU Southern University of Science and Technology |
December 15, 2020 (Tuesday) |

Motivations and Experiences of Students Studying Cross Border in China’s Greater Bay Area |
Dr Yanju SHAO City University of Macau |
Dr Alice TE The University of Hong Kong |
January 26, 2021 (Tuesday) |
Higher Education in Asia: Moving Ahead
A New Age of Sino-US Higher Education Relations: Challenges and Opportunities
Prof Denis SIMON Duke University |
Dr Liqi REN Duke Kunshan University |
Prof Qiang ZHA York University |
Prof Gerard POSTIGLIONE The University of Hong Kong |
Chair: Dr Hugo HORTA The University of Hong Kong |
Discussant: Prof Philip ALTBACH Boston College |
November 23, 2020 (Monday) |
After the First Wave: Universities, Covid-19 Experience, Lessons for a New Era
Prof Jung Cheol SHIN Seoul National University
Prof Futao HUANG Hiroshima University
Prof Zhiyong ZHU Beijing Normal University
Prof Gerard POSTIGLIONE The University of Hong Kong |
Coordinator: Prof Gerard POSTIGLIONE The University of Hong Kong |
Moderator: Dr Wai Ming CHEUNG The University of Hong Kong |
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