Newsletter – 1 May 2022
Upcoming Webinars
Ideas, Debates, and More: Meeting of European and Asian Higher Education Researchers Series
May 16, 2022 (Monday) 17:00 - 18:00 HK time
Professor Malcolm Tight will examine an old issue – the relation between education, voting and representation in this webinar.
Should the More Highly Educated Get More Votes? Education, Voting and Representation
Speaker: Professor Malcolm TIGHT Lancaster University
Chair: Dr Hugo HORTA The University of Hong Kong
May 25, 2022 (Wednesday) 17:00 - 18:00 HK time
Ms Sofia Shakil and Dr Sungsup Ra will discuss the role of universities in climate action and inclusive social policy under the new post-pandemic economy.
Higher Education and the New Economic Growth Challenge for Asia: The Role of Universities in Climate Action and Inclusive Social Policy
Speaker: Ms Sofia SHAKIL The Asia Foundation
Discussant: Dr Sungsup RA Asian Development Bank
Chair: Professor Gerard POSTIGLIONE & Dr Jisun JUNG
The University of Hong Kong
RIHE’s 50th Anniversary International Symposium
Higher Education Research: Challenges and Prospects
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University, the International Symposium in English will be held as follows:
May 14,...