Special issue on Higher Education in the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area
Guest Editors: Gerard Postiglione & Alice Te
Asian Education and Development Studies Published in 2022 Volume 11 Issue 1:
Editorial on Higher Education in the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area
Alice Y.C. Te, Gerard A. Postiglione Link
The strategic role of world-class universities in regional innovation system: China’s Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong’s academic profession
Hei-hang Hayes Tang Link
An empirical study on the correlation between university discipline and industrial structure in the Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao Greater Bay Area
Jinyuan Ma, Kejin Zhu, Yi Cao, Qiongqiong Chen, Xuesen Cheng Link
The changing value of higher education as a currency of opportunity
Ewan Wright, Haitao Wei Link
Trans-contextualized cross-border student choice under “one country, two systems” from Hong Kong to Mainland China for higher education
Alice Y.C. Te Link
Pursuing doctoral studies in Macau’s private universities: pragmatic motivations and challenging experiences of Guangdong college teachers
Yanju Shao Link
Opportunities and challenges of graduate entrepreneurship in China’s Greater Bay Area: cases in Hong Kong and Shenzhen
Dian Liu Link
Hong Kong as public administration metropolis in the internationalization of public administration education: one Hong Kong university experience
Vincent Wong Link
Selected Publications
Aarrevaara, T., Finkelstein, M., Jones, G., & Jung, J. (2021) (eds.). Universities in the knowledge society. Springer.
Jung, J. & Li, X. (2021). Exploring motivation of pursuing master’s degree in Hong Kong. Higher Education Quarterly. 75(2), 321-332.
Jung, J. (2021). Learning experience and academic identity building by master’s students in Hong Kong. Studies in Higher Education, 46(4), 782-795.
Santos, J.M., Horta, H., and Amâncio, L. (2021) Research agendas of female academics: a new perspective on gender disparities in academia, Gender and Education 33(5): 625-643.
Feng, S. and Horta, H. (2021) Brokers of international student mobility: The roles and processes of education agents in China. European Journal of Education 56(2): 248-264.
Horta, H., Birolini, S., Cattaneo, M., Shen, W., and Paleari, S. (2021) Research network propagation: the impact of PhD students’ temporary international mobility. Quantitative Science Studies 2(1): 129-154.
Postiglione, G.A. (2020). Expanding higher education: China’s precarious balance, China Quarterly. (244) 920-941
Zhang, L. F., Horta, H., Jung, J., Postiglione, G. A., & Shin, J. C. (2020). Is the research-teaching nexus an enduring myth? Higher Education Forum.
Horta, H., and Santos, J.M. (2020) Organisational factors and academic research agendas: an analysis of academics in the social sciences, Studies in Higher Education 45(12): 2382-2397.
Lin, W and Yang Rui (2020). Centralising, Decentralising, and Recentralising: A Case Study of the University-Government Relationship in Taiwan. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
Yang, R. (2020). Political Culture and Higher Education Governance in Chinese Societies: Some Reflections. Frontiers of Education in China, 15(2), 187-221.
Yang, R. (2020). China’s Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Preliminary Observations. Higher Education Research and Development.
Te, A. and Postiglione, G.A. (2020) Higher Education in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Greater Bay Area, Asian Education and Development Studies.
Winstone, N., Balloo, K. & Carless, D. (2020). Discipline-specific feedback literacies: A framework for curriculum design. Higher Education.
Carless, D., & Winstone, N. (2020). Teacher feedback literacy and its interplay with student feedback literacy. Teaching in Higher Education.
Dawson, P. Carless, D., & Lee, P.P.W (2020). Authentic feedback: Supporting learners to engage in disciplinary feedback practices. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education.
Carless, D. (2020). Longitudinal perspectives on students’ experiences of feedback: A need for teacher-student partnerships. Higher Education Research & Development, 39(3), 425-438.
Li, M and Yang, R. (2020). Enduring Hardships in Global Knowledge Asymmetries: A National Scenario of China’s English-language Academic Journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Higher Education.
Horta, H., Cattaneo, M., and Meoli, M. (2019). The impact of Ph.D. funding on time to Ph.D. completion, Research Evaluation, 28(2): 182-195.
Winstone, N. & Carless, D. (2019). Designing effective feedback processes in higher education: A learning-focused approach. London: Routledge.
Oleksiyenko, A. (2019). Academic collaborations in the global marketplace. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Postiglione, G.A. (2019) China’s Education Development over 70 years. Fudan University Journal of Social Science.
Horta, H., Jung, J., Zhang, L. F., & Postiglione, G. A. (2019). Academics’ job-related stress and institutional commitment in Hong Kong universities. Tertiary Education and Management. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11233-019-09039-8
Postiglione, G.A. and Tang Min (2019) International policies and experiences for China’s higher technical and vocational education, International Journal of Training Research.17:1, 1-14 https://doi.org/10.1080/14480220.2019.1629730.
Law, Wing Wah (2019) Politics, Managerialism, and University Governance: Lessons from Hong Kong under China’s Rule since 1997.
Carless, D. (2019). Feedback loops and the longer-term: Towards feedback spirals. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(5), 705-714.
Zhang, L. F., Horta, H., Jung, J., Chen, G. W., & Postiglione, G. A. (2018). The role of thinking styles in program satisfaction and perceived intellectual competence among STEM doctoral students. Journal of Educational Psychology. DOI:10.1037/edu0000304
Oleksiyenko, A. (2018). Global mobility and higher learning. London and New York: Routledge
Oleksiyenko, A., Zha, Q., Chirikov, I., and Li, J. (eds.) (2018). International status anxiety and higher education: The Soviet legacy in China and Russia. Hong Kong: CERC/Springer.
Jung, J., Horta, H., & Yonezawa, H. (2018) (eds). Researching higher education in Asia: History, development, and future. Singapore: Springer.
Te, A., Postiglione, G.A. (2018) Hong Kong students entering Mainland China universities: a review of the admission scheme, Public Administration and Policy, https://doi.org/10.1108/PAP-06-2018-003
Shin, J.C., Postiglione, G.A., & Ho, K.C. (2018). Challenges for doctoral education in East Asia: a global and comparative perspective. Asia Pacific Education Review. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-018-9527-8.
Xie A.L., Kuang H., Postiglione, G.A., Liu Q.Q. (2018) Cultural capital investment and social adaptation of rural students in elite universities, Journal of Higher Education (Shanghai), 36:9: 30-37
Xie A.L., Hong, Y.B., Kuang, H., Postiglione, G.A. (2018) Cultural capital and adaptation on elite university campuses: Academic and social achievement of rural students on 985 project universities, Peking University Educational Review. 16:3:89-108.
Postiglione, G.A. and Denis Simon (2018) China–US Cooperation in Higher Education: A Critical Stabilizer. International Higher Education, 96: 5-7.
Carless, D., Bridges, S.M., Chan, C.K.Y., Glofcheski, R. (Eds.) (2017). Scaling up assessment for learning in higher education. Singapore: Springer.
Zhang, L. F., Evans, C., & Postiglione, G. A. (2017). Do organizational commitments matter in teaching approaches among academics in elite higher educational institutions in Beijing? Educational Psychology, 37 (7), 778-791.
Postiglione, G., & Jung, J. (2017) (eds.). The changing academic profession in Hong Kong. Netherlands: Springer Press.
Xu, Y. & Carless, D. (2017). ‘Only true friends could be cruelly honest’: cognitive scaffolding and social-affective support in teacher feedback literacy, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(7), 1082-1094.
Yang, R. (2017). The cultural mission of China’s elite universities: examples from Peking and Tsinghua. Studies in Higher Education, 42(10), 1825–38. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2017.1376873
Jung, J., Horta, H., & Yonezawa, H. (2017) (eds). Researching higher education in Asia: History, development, and future. Springer.