Time: starting at 4pm (HKT)
Date: Sep 27, 2024
Venue: Hybrid–Room MW403 (Meng Wah Complex)/by ZOOM​​​​​​​
Speaker: Marina Garcia Morante (The Universitat Ramon Llull)
Chair: Professor HORTA, Hugo (The University of Hong Kong)
Registration link: https://hku.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1YcTIFC3lA7HfEy


The realms of science, research, and innovation are evolving. The need for collaboration among diverse stakeholders, strengthening research environments, and shifting towards open and citizen science have become global imperatives. In this landscape, PhD careers are diversifying like never before. They are increasingly expected to disseminate their findings across various sectors, with many pursuing careers beyond academia—a trend projected to grow internationally.
This seminar will delve into the evolving landscape of PhD education and careers, offering a comprehensive look at the challenges and opportunities shaped by empirical research and higher education policies. I will explore the experiences of PhD graduates who have pursued careers beyond academia, focusing on the social support and factors that influence their career trajectories. Additionally, I will highlight data from Europe and other regions to provide a global perspective on these trends.
Through this discussion, we will challenge conventional notions of PhD careers and collaboratively reimagine how PhD education can better prepare researchers for the diverse opportunities that lie ahead.

About the speaker:
Marina Garcia Morante is a PhD at the Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona, Spain), where she holds a research scholarship. She is actively involved in the SINTE research group (www.researcher-identity.com), and a member of the EARLI SIG24: Research Careers and Education. She investigates PhD holders’ careers and transitions across sectors as part of the project “Early Career Researchers Identity Development”, led by Dr Montserrat Castelló.
Through her thesis work, Marina explores the dynamic landscape of PhD holders careers beyond academia and seeks to enhance PhD education through the lens of Responsible Research and Innovation.