Time: 4:00pm-5:15pm, (HKT)
Date: 8 May, 2024
Mode: by Zoom
Speaker: Prof. Luke K. Fryer (The University of Hong Kong), Lily M. Zeng (The University of Hong Kong), Porf. Ronnel B. King (Chinese University of Hong Kong).
Discussant: Angela Yung-chi Hou (National Chengchi University)
Chair: Prof. Hugo Horta (The University of Hong Kong)
Registration link: https://hku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsdOuupjoiEtE0XPRYJf20jf9WevsKxDT5
This newly published edited book, Student Engagement across Pacific Asia: Steps toward a shared framework, is a first step toward building bridges between Pacific Asian universities that are destined to be part of this future. The overarching aim is to support the region’s universities in learning from each other, rather than exclusively relying on Western sources of innovation with regard to teaching and learning. Asia has a strong mixture of longstanding and vibrant new institutions, many of which are taking progressive approaches to supporting learning in their institutions. However, without some form of shared measurement of the impact of these initiatives, opportunities to learn from each other’s failures and successes are missed. This edited volume is a first step toward a shared understanding of student engagement across Pacific Asian Universities at two grain sizes: Degree Program and University. It therefore not only seeks to bridge universities but also bridge two siloed means of explaining the university learning experience. These two theoretical approaches to understanding the student experience were until recently separated by the Atlantic, with American approaches to quality assurance focusing on student attrition and engagement, and European approaches focusing on the quality of learning environments in courses and degree experiences. Following contextual validation, correlational and difference testing results present how students in universities from the Philippines to Japan experience higher education. Two commentaries each provide a unique perspective on the institutional and national findings presented, suggesting both critical convergences and gaps exposed by the transnational work. The book is concluded by a summary of the findings and the laying out of future directions for building on the efforts presented herein. This book is just the beginning of a longer discussion that needs to be had if the Pacific Asia’s leadership in higher education is to have international impact.
About the Speakers and Discussant:
Luke K. Fryer is an associate professor, within Hong Kong University’s faculty of education. He is an assistant director of the university’s Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre.
Lily M. Zeng is an assistant professor in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre in the University of Hong Kong.
Ronnel B. King Ronnel King is an associate professor at the Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Discussant: Angela Yung-chi Hou, is Professor of Higher Education at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. Currently, she serves as Associate Dean of College of Education, National Chengchi University, as well as Executive Director of Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan.