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Upcoming Webinars

Does Formal Liberal/General Education Have a Role in the Universities?

A Transatlantic Debate between USA and UK (1920-1980)

October 14, 2022 (Friday) 10:00 – 11:00 Hong Kong time
In this seminar, Dr. Shen will discuss the role of formal liberal/general education in universities. Through a historical review of the Transatlantic debate between USA and UK (1920-1980), he attempts to answer why the UK and the US chose different paths for undergraduate education in the 20th century on the one hand, and to provoke contemporary reflection on the relationship between liberal/general education and the university on the other.
Chair: Prof Gerard A Postiglione The University of Hong Kong
Speaker: Dr Shen Wenqin Peking University
Discussant: Prof Zha Qiang York University

Early Career Researchers Networks in Asian Higher Education Series

September 30, 2022 (Friday) 15:00 – 16:00 Hong Kong time by zoom
Ms Zhepin Zhuang will discuss China’s ethnic minority educational preferential policy through a case study of investigating the Bonus Score Policy.
Speaker: Ms Zhepin ZHUANG La Trobe University, Australia
Chair: Dr Jisun JUNG The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ECR-0930- 2022

Watch our previous Webinar

The Contemporary Liberal Arts at Work: An Exploratory Roundtable

Liberal arts roundtable
Gerard A PostiglioneGray Kochhar-Lindgren
Roundtable Participants:
Dawn Bennett Bond University
Rick Dolphijn University of Utrecht
Diana Spencer University of Birmingham
Click here

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