Newsletter – 25 August 2022
Upcoming Webinars
The Contemporary Liberal Arts at Work
Transdisciplinarity~Internationalization~Future Readiness
An Exploratory Roundtable
September 13, 2022 (Tuesday) 17:00 - 18:30 Hong Kong time
In this Roundtable, leaders of integrative, cross-disciplinary, and cross-sectoral programmes will inquire into the types of variegated work that the Liberal Arts accomplish in global research-intensive universities. Focusing on transdisciplinarity, internationalization, and future readiness for both our students, for our universities, and for the planet, we will attempt to tease out articulations about how we might best re-imagine the Liberal Arts in a time of crises, constraints, and opportunities.
Gerard A Postiglione Coordinator, CHERA; Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Education, HKU
Gray Kochhar-Lindgren Professor & Director, the Common Core, Founder of GLADE (Global Liberal Arts Design Experiments), HKU
Roundtable Participants
Dawn Bennett Assistant Provost & Director of the Transformation CoLab, Bond University, Queensland, Australia
Rick Dolphijn Associate Professor of Philosophy, Art, and Cultural Studies: Co-Facilitator of The-More-Than-Human-City Research Exchange & The Lives of the Deltas [both with HKU], University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Diana Spencer Professor of Classics, Dean of Liberal Arts & Natural Sciences (LANS), University of Birmingham, UK
Early Career...