Research Collaborations and Innovation: Who Makes Strategic Decisions in Science and Scholarship?
Research Collaborations and Innovation:
Who Makes Strategic Decisions in Science and Scholarship?
Organizer: Comparative Education Research Centre, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Speaker: Professor Marek KWIEK
Director, Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (IAS)
UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education Policy
University of Poznan, Poland
Date: May 18, 2021
Time: 18:00-19:15 (Hong Kong Time)
Format: Zoom
Please register: Click here
Publications are a major determinant of successful academic careers. Individual scientists make collaboration and authorship decisions: choosing team or solo publications, same-sex or mixed-sex collaborations, local, national or international collaborations? Past authorship decisions, including the choice of academic journals, bear on the availability of future external research grants as well as on opportunities for employment, promotion and tenure. Different types of collaborations have impact on inequalities as well as on innovation in science. In this presentation, Professor Kwiek will elaborate on dilemmas of collaborations in (1) local-national-international, (2) solo-team, and (3) male-female formats. He will also speak on how these collaborations have been driving innovation in...